What is RPL?

RPL is the Recognition of prior learning. This means that previous learning and experience of a candidate/learner, howsoever obtained, is assessed against the learning outcomes required for a specified unit standard or qualification, for purposes of certification , recognition or access to other qualifications.


RPL Assessments

All assessment involves the gathering and judging of evidence provided by and/or about the candidate in relation to agreed criteria, regardless of whether the candidate is a recent learner or developed their skills, knowledge, understanding, attitudes and values in the past.

Assessors are required to uphold the principles of currency, sufficiency, authenticity, reliability and validity of evidence. 

Credits awarded through an RPL process are therefore just as valid as credits awarded through any other assessment process.


Team Consultants offers RPL of the following Unit standards

Assessors: USID 115753 Level 5 credits 15

Design & development of assessments USID 115755 Level 6 credits 10

Moderators USID 115759 Level 6 Credits 10

Facilitation Skills USID 117871 Level 5 Credits 15

Facilitate the preparation and presentation of evidence or assessment Level 4 Credits 4

Perform one to one training on the job USID 117877 Level 3 Credits 3


How do I apply for RPL

Step 1: Decide which unit standard you wish to be assessed on and contact our offices and discuss viability of the RPL with Jackie du Toit. RPL costs will be emailed to you.


Step 2: Download and Complete the RPL registration form. Send it via email to Team Consultants. You will receive an invoice for RPL.

Step 3: Make the required payment and Schedule a meeting with Team Consultants.

Step 4: At the meeting you will receive an assessment guide and an assessment plan. Your RPL Advisor will prepare you for the RPL assessment by discussing the assessment plan and evidence requirements. You will be given guidance on collecting evidence and on POE building. You will be required to discuss the possible evidence which you will be required to produce and dates will be set for theory tests..

Step 5: Complete theory test and/or interview on agreed date. RPL advisor reviews evidence for sufficiency and advises on further evidence requirements.

Step 6: Submit your final portfolio of evidence on agreed date. Our Assessor will evaluate the evidence & Make judgment decisions & justify in written feedback report which you will receive.

Step 7: All RPL assessments are Moderated and submitted for Verification by ETDPSeta  Results are sent to ETDP Seta for endorsement

Step 8: Certificates are only distributed after Statement of results are released by ETDPSETA


Why chose RPL Instead of attending training?

  • If you have attended training previously and have the required knowledge.
  • Are working in the field and have gained sufficient experience.
  • You cannot get off work to attend training ; have the knowledge and experience needed and have access to evidence required
  • Can save you money as RPL will be cheaper than attending training.

Are RPL results accepted?

RPL is one of the key objectives of the NQF.

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations is responsible for promoting the objectives of the NQF and therefore RPL assessment is accepted and promoted by the quality assuring bodies.


Definition of RPL: National Standards Bodies Regulations (no. 18787 of 28 March 1998)

“Recognition of prior learning means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner howsoever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification, and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements.”

This means that regardless of where, when or how a person achieved the learning, if such learning meets the requirements of a unit standard or a qualification (or part thereof), it could be recognized for credits. In this sense, RPL is an important objective of the NQF.

RPL also involves an assessment process of preparing for RPL, engaging with RPL candidates, gathering evidence, judging evidence, giving feedback and reporting results.


Purposes of RPL:

The “Criteria and Guidelines for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning”, opted 13 August 2003, indicate that the purpose of RPL could include

  • access and appropriate placement at a particular level at an institution,
  • granting advanced status, advanced standing,
  • crediting and certifying learners for unit standards or the parts of the qualification where all the requirements have been met, or depending on the context, a combination of these
  • RPL could be used to establish whether people meet minimum requirements for entry to a job.

In addition, many providers of training and assessment only offer assessments based on their learning programme. A person seeking RPL will not attend the full learning programme and will therefore require assessment that is not dependent on a particular learning programme, but one that recognizes broadly equivalent skills and knowledge as reflected holistically in the relevant unit standard(s) or qualification.