Moderator Training

4 days 8h00-16h00 (45 min lunch break; 1×20 min tea ;1x 15 min tea)

Education; FET College: Public and Private training Providers and staff such as Teachers; Facilitators; Trainers; Lecturers or people who are required to conduct internal or external moderation of outcomes based assessments.

Unit Standard: 115759 Level 6 Credits 10
SACE endorsed: 10 PD points
Title “Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments “

On completion of this programme you will be able to :

Specific outcomes
Demonstrate understanding of moderation within the context of an outcomes-based assessment system
Plan and prepare for moderation
Conduct moderation
Advise and support assessors
Report, record and administer moderation
Review Moderation systems and processes

Critical Outcomes
identifying & solving problems
working effectively with others & in teams
organizing & managing oneself
collect, analyse, organize and evaluate information
communicate effectively
demonstrating the world as a set of systems
contributing across a range of social contexts


Module 1

Module 2
Role & Functions of the Moderator
Functions of a moderation system
Managing Moderation
Developing a Moderation Plan
External Moderation

Module 3
Conducting Moderation of assessment guides & instruments
Comparing Assessment Methods
Evaluating Assessment Tools against the principles of assessment
Moderators Report

Module 4
Moderating Learners work
Moderating Assessment Processes
Evaluating Evidence
Moderators Report
Advising Assessors
Observing Assessors
Moderators Report
Appeals Procedures
Review Moderation Systems and Processes

Module 5
Record Maintenance
ETQA Requirements
Pre-verification moderation
Moderators Report

Portfolios are worked on during class time therefore learners are required to bring copies of all assessment documents that they will be assessing to include in their portfolios.

Min number of learners per group in Port Elizabeth:
Min of 5 learners
Min number of learners per group in other areas:
Min of 9 learners