This is a Merseta accredited Program:

TEAM Consultants trains and assists the candidates through the entire process. General communication skills; Mini- Presentations and Report Writing are the main focus areas of this program. The candidates are supported; advised and assisted practically in completing their portfolios. The training programme includes theory as well as practical activities such as role plays; case studies and discussions which require active participation from candidates.

Communication Skills
The following unit standards are covered in the full four day program

USID 119472 “Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication “Level 3 Credits 5
Outcome 1: Interact successfully in oral/signed communication
Outcome 2: Use strategies that capture and retain the interest of an audience
Outcome 3: Identify and respond to manipulative use of language

USID 119465 “Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts” Level 3 Credits 5
Outcome 1: Write/sign for a specified audience and purpose
Outcome 2: Use language structures and features to produce coherent and cohesive texts for a wide range of contexts
Outcome 3: Draft own writing/signing and edit to improve clarity and correctness

USID 253656 “Communicate with clients” Level Credits
Outcome 1: Engage in an effective two-way communication discussion with customers
Outcome 2: Show a basic understanding of the role of body language and tone of voice when communicating
Outcome 3:Communicate effectively with clients on the telephone

Min number of learners per group in Port Elizabeth:
Min of 5 learners
Min number of learners per group in other areas:
Min of 9 learners

Parts Programs can be selected according to your needs; namely

Written Communication focusing on Report Writing
Oral Communication focusing on Presentation skills