Assessor USID 115753
Duration: 4 days 8h00-16h00
(45 min lunch break; 1×20 min tea ;1x 15 min tea)
A good introduction into the world of training. The purpose of the program is to recognize and equip those who assess people, within their fields of expertise. Formative; Summative & RPL assessments are covered within this program. The focus is on how to assess using principles of good assessment and in line with the South African quality assurance requirements.
Accreditation: ETDP SETA Accredited against USID 115753 Conduct Outcomes based assessments NQF 5 Credits 15
Content Outcomes
1. Demonstrate an understanding of outcomes based assessment
2. Prepare for assessments
3. Conduct assessments
4. Provide feedback on assessments
5. Review assessments
Entry requirements:
Expertise within the area of learning in which they intend to assess
Min number of learners per group in Port Elizabeth:
Min of 5 learners
Min number of learners per group in other areas:
Min of 9 learners
Who should attend:
All SDF’s; Emerging training providers ;Trainers ; Lecturers; Facilitators; Educators; Teachers; HOD’s; Headmasters; Team Leaders; Supervisors; Labour trainers. Those who assess people, within their fields of expertise, for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria. The criteria could be from NCV; CAPS; University qualification exit outcomes; SAQA Qualifications; Learnerships; Skills programs or Unit Standards. This program is for all those who assess people, within their fields of expertise, for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria